Flirtatious appraised 92 EEEE 05-05
FS91 (EEEE) @ 03-04
We are so excited to get a Brash daughter!
Flirtatious more than made up for not being shown as a yearling when she easily finished her permanent championship going 3x Grand Champion and 3x Best Doe in Show. We have never had a doe so dominant in the show ring. She earned her permanent championship and appraised LA 90 VEVE within 3 weeks of kidding. We probably should have held her out as she was still not in tip top condition but we could not leave such a studdning doe home.
Flirtatious freshened uneven, although she appraised LA89 VVEE (the highest a first freshener can appraise) we chose not to show her.
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